PCOS, diet, health and wellbeing

PCOS, diet, health and wellbeing.



PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a hot topic lately and with up to 20% of Australian woman of reproductive age being affected by this condition, it’s no wonder.  Its symptoms can cause significant distress to woman, yet up to 70% with PCOS still remain undiagnosed.  Could this be you?

PCOS is characterised as an endocrine (hormonal) condition with disturbances of the luteinising, insulin and male hormones causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. Symptoms of irregular or absence of the menstrual cycle, acne, weight gain, excess hair growth, anxiety and depression, skin pigmentation, sleep apnoea, poor gut health, weak joints and nails and infertility. With most traditional treatments only focusing on the symptoms and not the cause, you might think things look a little bleak for long term health and feeling good.

It’s not just all about hormones though. Many other factors play a part in this condition like the contraceptive pill, what and how we eat, your physical make up and stress.  Other important factors that play a part are insulin resistance, synthetic oestrogens; these come from our environment, and food allergies.  If gut health is compromised, the absorption of nutrients for healing, nourishment, hormone balance and neurotransmitter pathways (which send messages throughout our bodies) is also compromised.

But don’t worry; it’s not all bad.  Diet and exercise is key. Incorporating a healthy eating plan, stress management, reduction of weight and including at least 30-40 minutes of exercise most days can start the healing process. This will have an impact on reducing your inflammation, insulin resistance and to balance hormones.

Does that sound a bit daunting though?? Don’t know where to start? You don’t have to go this alone. We can support and teach you the methods for your long-term solutions in treating PCOS.  Our Clinical & Holistic Nutritionist can create an individually designed program for you.  We’ll help with:

·       Manage symptoms such as irregular cycles, excess hair growth and acne

·       Improve insulin resistance

·       Repairing of the gut

·       Individualised Food and Nutrient plan

·       Balance hormones

·       Reducing anxiety, depression and stress

·       Exercise and lifestyle adjustments

Take back control of your health.  Let’s find the cause not just treat the symptoms.  

5 tips to help you beat those winter colds

5 tips to help you beat the winter colds

It seems like the winter cold and flu season has hit early this year.  My family has already been affected and many people I speak to have already been impacted by “the worst cold I can remember” and are worried about the rest of winter.  The last thing we as Mums, Dads, workers, carers or kids need is to be struck down with these nasty viruses that turn our lives and schedules upside down.  We’re all busy with life, running around from work to meetings to sporting activities, school drop off and the rest of it, that we can very quickly become run down and start to feel that ominous tickle in the back of the throat that says “watch out – here comes your cold, its time to rest”.


The most common question I’m getting in clinic at the moment is how can I boost my immune system to try and avoid another cold or flu or how can I reduce the time I’m sick.  Well here are my top 5 immune system boosters and support that you can use this winter to help keep you and your family well:

  1. Eat foods rich in Vitamin C like pineapple, oranges, kiwi fruit, celery and broccoli etc. They are high in antioxidants and bromelain and have a major role in preventing and reducing the time of a cold.  They demonstrate significant anti-inflammatory effects in reducing swelling, sore throat and sinusitis.
  2. Make sure your nutrition on a daily basis is good with lots of whole foods. Reducing your sugar, caffeine and alcohol intake will go a long way in supporting your immune system too.
  3. Increase in garlic, onion, ginger, artichokes, raw honey, lemon and cinnamon are great to ward of a cold or even during. Their antimicrobial activity enhance our immune system. My go-to is this soothing immune boosting “tea” when I feel a cold coming on:
    • 2½ cm slice of ginger
    • ¼ tsp cinnamon
    • ¼ lemon juiced
    • 1 cup hot water
  4. Get plenty of sleep. Our bodies do most of their repair work while we are asleep so if we’re not getting enough we will quickly become run down making it easier for a virus to infiltrate our weakened immune system.
  5. Wash your hands often. It doesn’t matter what line of work you are in or who you are around, if you are coming in contact with people who are contagious you are in the virus’ line of fire.  20 seconds of washing hands in hot or cold water is all it takes.

For more information on how to protect yourself this winter from colds and flu, book a Nutrition Consultation today.